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As a certified Yoga Instructor, Fertile Womb Lifestyle Specialist, Doula (Birth worker), Herbalist and Yoni Steam Facilitator, JEM’s Holistic has gained the knowledge, tools and experience to teach others how to heal themselves and care for their wombs using herbs and traditional Holistic practices.

  • Pre-Pregnancy Consultation | 1hr

    This consultation is for women and/couples who are ready to get pregnant and want to start preparing their minds and bodies for the journey. Being a healthy host for you baby starts from before conception, thus I will provide you with some guidelines you can follow as well as a list of foods and herbs you can take to ensure your body is in a healthy fertile state.

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  • Prenatal Consultation | 1hr 30mins

    If you are pregnant and having a hard time navigating pregnancy and coping with the changes going on in your body this session is for you! I will provide you with information and resources to help you understand what your body is going through and different things you can try to create a better experience for yourself.

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  • Postpartum Healing Consultation | 30mins

    This session can be done before or after giving birth. In this session, we will go over postpartum recovery tips for both natural birth and c-section. We will mainly focus on natural solutions using plant-based foods and herbs that are designed to help you heal after birth. You can also choose to use this session for newborn care support.

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  • Partner Support Training | 1hr

    This training is for the partner who wants to learn how to effectively support their pregnant wife/girlfriend/partner/companion throughout their pregnancy birth and postpartum journey. For more information on this session please book a free in-take consultation.

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  • Birth Planning | 1hr 30 mins

    This session is all about writing your birth plan and your backup birth plan. I will also help you create a pregnancy journaling routine and tips on how to write your birth story. in addition I will go through the stages of labor and birth in detail so you have better understanding of what to expect and how to handle each stage as they come. This session is free for current doula clients only.

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  • Postpartum Planning | 1hr

    This session is all about writing your postpartum plan and creating your support team so that you can focus on caring for baby and healing after birth. This session should be done in your 3rd trimester atleast 3 weeks before your expected due time. This session is free for current doula clients only.

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  • Herbal Consultations | 1hr

    This consultation is for those who are seeking information on what herbs they can use for specific health concerns/issues they are currently facing or herbs they can add to their daily lives as a preventative measure.

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  • Holistic lifestyle Consultation | 1hr 30mins

    This consultation is for those who are seeking to transition into living a plant-based holistic lifestyle but don't know where to start. In this session you will give me a breakdown on your current lifestyle in terms of your health.

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  • Womb Wellness Consultation | 1hr 30mins

    This consultation is for women and young ladies who are concerned about the health of their womb or experiencing any womb dis-eases such as painful mooncycles (periods), PCOS, fibroids, unexplained infertility, endometriosis etc.

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  • Fertile Womb Consultation | 1hr 30mins

    This consultation is for women and/or couples who are ready to conceive or have been trying to conceive but haven't been successful due to infertility issues whether known or unknown. If you are ready to try a Holistic approach this consultation is for you.

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  • Individual Yoni Steam Session | 30-45mins

    For this session I will prepare a personalized herbal yoni steam mix, bring all tools and supplies, set up and facilitate the session in the comfort of your home.

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  • 1-on-1 Yoga Session | 1hr

    If you need an individualized session that focus on your personal needs and concerns.

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  • Group Yoga Session | 1hr

    No less than 5 people but no more than 10

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  • Prenatal Yoga Session | 1hr

    For pregnant mamas who need to alleviate some of the pressure and stress on the body that comes along with pregnancy.

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  • Couples Yoga Session | 1hr

    Looking for new ways to connect with your partner? A couples yoga session can provide the intimacy you are looking for. (Maximum 2 people).

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  • Coaching Packages

    Unlike the consultations, with the coaching packages you will receive ungoing support, information, and recommendations for 3 months. When making lifestyle changes, consistency and commitment is important but its not always easy. I'll be there to hold you accountable and remind you of your health goal as well as help you navigate what works best for you and how to make to implement healthier practices in your life in a way that won't make you feel discouraged. Book your free consultation now!

    • 3 month Fertility Coaching
    • 3 month Womb Healing Coaching
    • 3 month Holistic lifestyle Coaching
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