We provide products and services that gives you the knowledge and skills needed to heal yourself. We focus on Holistic health which includes the health of your body mind soul and spirit. 

We promote living a natural and Holistic lifestyle because there is no quick fix to optimal health – It requires commitment and consistency. Take back control, stand in your power, and protect your womb and body with JEM’s Holistic Lifestyle and Womb Wellness.

Thus, our mission is "To bring the connection back to nature through the use of herbs and promoting that the best way to achieve optimal health and vitality is through living an overall natural and holistic lifestyle. We are here to remind you that you have the power to heal yourself and guide you on your healing journey through providing holistic products and services that can be used in your everyday life."

  • Extraordinary Experiences & Qualifications

    As a certified yoga instructor, Fertile Womb Lifestyle Specialist, Doula (Birth worker), Herbalist and Yoni Steam Facilitator, I’ve gained the knowledge, tools and experience to teach others how to heal themselves and care for their wombs using herbs and traditional Holistic practices. 

    Also as a mother who chose to birth all three of my children naturally, freely and at home, I understand the power in trusting your body and letting go of the fear surrounding birth. Through my personal experiences and knowledge I've acquired over the years, I am able to support other women in their pregnancy and birthing journey.

  • Our Offerings & Values

    JEM’s Holistic Lifestyle & Womb Wellness offers products and services that focus on healing the body from a holistic aspect.

    Our Core Values are:

    • Holistic Living
    • Womb Wellness
    • Spiritual, Mental & Emotional Health
    • Natural Birthing

    Our Offerings consist of:

    • Natural, non-toxic, herbal infused skin, hair, yoni & womb wellness products
    • 100% organic and wild crafted healing herbal tea blends
    • Holistic Doula services
    • Breastfeed consultations
    • Womb Wellness & Fertility Consultations