Herbs are created to support our body in doing what is naturally designed to do. Our bodies are naturally self-healing however, as the quality of our health declines due how we eat and how we live, drinking herbs are important to keep our body functioning in the healthiest way possible.

In addition to implementing herbs, the most important change you can make to begin your healing journey, is in what you eat. The best way to make the transition is to find healthier substitutes for everything you currently consume on a regular basis. However, cutting out the fast foods, junk foods, and processed foods will make a significant difference. The goal is to eat organic, non-hybrid, fresh fruits and vegetables, and whole foods.

“Food that we eat is the very substance that causes the whole hormonal structure of the body to go haywire... if you don't watch what you eat, what you eat will soon eat you...” - Dr. Sebi

Holistic health focuses on the whole - mind, body and spirit. Thus, it's important to make lifestyle changes. Eating healthy, drinking herbs, exercising, drinking plenty of water, getting daily sunshine & fresh air, meditating/praying, healing trauma (go to therapy if need be), cleansing your environment, and letting go of things, people and situations that no longer serve your highest self, is all part of living a Holistic lifestyle.


Whether or not you have a dis-ease. Implementing the things mentioned above will improve the quality of your health and vitality. You will feel better, look better and enjoy life in a whole new light.

Teas that can be drank daily at one cup a day for preventative care and immunity building are:

  • Liver Detox Tea
  • Iron Up Tea
  • Sacred Wombman Tea
  • So Nutritious Tea
  • Digestive Ease Tea
  • Anxiety Free
  • She Ready!
  • Men's Vitality

Be sure to always give your body a break. A good rule of thumb to follow is 2 weeks on 1 week off.



-Goddess Jahh

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