Believe it or not, there is a right and wrong way to prepare your herbal tea. If done incorrectly, you risk not getting the full nutrients and benefits from the tea.

Most people put the water and herbs in the pot together and let it come to a boil. This couldn't be more wrong. The only herbs that should ever be brought to a boil then simmered are roots and barks and even still its not necessary unless making a decoction.

Another mistake that people tend to make is leaving the herbs steeping in the water for too long. It's important to strain your tea while its still hot to avoid the essential oils that are released into the water from being absorbed back into the herbs when it gets too cool.

Don't sell yourself short by preparing your tea wrong. Follow the instructions below to insure you get the full healing benefits of your herbal tea.

  • Bring 8oz of Spring water to a boil.
  • Place 1 teaspoon of the herbal mix in a glass jar or cup (avoid using plastic).
  • Pour the hot water over the herbs and cover it.
  • Allow the herbs to steep in the hot water for 10 minutes.
  • Strain then allow to cool before drinking it. (Do NOT drink hot or cold tea) *For Optimal results drink tea warm or at room temperature.
  • Drink 1 cup 3 times a day (total of 24 oz).

If you want to make your tea stronger use 1 table spoon instead of 1 teaspoon. I recommend doing this for teas like Cramps Be Gone depending on the severity of your cramps, as well as Yeast Out, Yoni Love and Red Light.

For convenience make all 3 cups (24oz) of the tea in the morning and drink it throughout the day so that you are not making tea multiple times a day.

Be Sure to stay hydrated by drinking lots of water while on any herbal teas.



-Goddess Jahh


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